We did an
introduction video as our very first assignment. This video aligns with
NETS-T standard 1.c., which states that teachers promote student reflection
using collaboration tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding
and thinking, planning, and creative processes. This assignment required
you to find a partner and reflect on your own life. Then you were asked
to video your partner as he or she gave a brief summary about their life. This process incorporated thinking, planning,
and even some creativity just as the standard states. The tool used for this assignment was our IPhone
and then we had to upload the video to our blog.
this was the first assignment, I learned how to post to my blog and how to
navigate blogger.com. In addition, I
learned how to upload a video to a new post.
I did not encounter any problems when doing this activity. It was simple steps and easy to
navigate. As a future educator, I could
use this as an introduction for the first day of class. I could use my video as a model and then ask
the students to do the same with either an IPad or a tablet if we access. Then, students could get in groups of three
or four and share their video with each other.
This will help break the ice for the first day, and be a fun way for
students to share and meet new students in the class.
The TED videos we watched in class
align with the NETS-S standard 5. C., which states that teachers evaluate and reflect
on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make
effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support
of student learning. John Hunter was a professional resource that we listened
to on a TED talk, where he gave his insight and expertise with teaching. We were then asked to reflect on his talk and
express our opinion on his method for teaching.
This relates to the standard because we made use of online resources and
then were asked to evaluate and reflect on the research.
John Hunter’s approach to education
was inspiring to see. It was a new strategy
to teaching that I have never seen before.
This video helped me to understand that education is a group
effort. He showed me the importance of
teaching children to work together and solve problems as a whole. Everything
these fourth graders were learning related to real problems going on in the
world that most children have no idea about.
I can integrate his student centered style in my future classroom. Because of this the students in his classroom
were self-motivated and actually wanted to learn. I find that his creativity in the classroom
has a lot to do with the student’s success and willingness to learn. I can take his perspective and create an environment
where students are comfortable participating and actively engaging.
The concept map we created on
Inspiration aligns with standard 2. C., which states that teachers customize
and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning
styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources. For
this activity we were asked to create a concept map that included five
different lesson activities, in which three integrated some form of technology.
This assignment involved customizing learning activities for students with
diverse learning styles, just as the standard states. Different resources and digital tools were
used to create the map, as well as, were incorporated into the actual lesson
being created. We also learned to align
the subject material with a Common Core Standard.
This assignment taught me how to
integrate technology into lesson plans and to be creative while doing so. Also, I learned how to navigate Inspiration
and create different kinds of concept maps.
This tool could also be useful for children to create and organize a
story map. They could use this program
or other websites to create their own map.
Concept maps can be helpful for children to put things in logical order
or in a hierarchy. In addition, students
can incorporate their own designs and creative ideas. When doing this activity I was not presented
with any major problems. The Inspiration
program was fairly easy to navigate. The
only trouble was when posting it on my blog.
The text did not transfer in the same format; however, it was still understandable.
Do Not Track Me Plus was an online
protection that we were asked to download and recognize the importance of
online safety. This aligned with the
standard 4. A., which states that teachers advocate, model, and teach safe,
legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect
for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of
sources. This task required the use of
an online protection program to teach safety and even legality of digital
After installing Do Not Track Me Plus, I realized just how
scary the internet is if you do not use it properly or do not have the proper
protection downloaded. It is very
easy to pick up viruses or unwanted advertisements and scams. It is important as an educator to be informed
about digital safety, and teach students how to search the web safely. Do Not Track Me is a way to show children
that what is put on the information can always be tracked and found again. This includes pictures that are put on Facebook,
as well as, your history of what you have searched. Teaching children to be cautious on the
internet and to respect copyrighted resources is crucial. Parent do not always place restrictions or
know the dangers children face online.
This is why informing children about digital citizenship in the early
elementary grades are important. When
downloading this online protection, I experienced no problems or
complications. It was simple to download
and also view my trackers.
Our assignment on augmented reality was aligned with the
NETS-T standard 1.B., which states that teachers engage students in exploring
real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and
resources. This assignment involved us
reading an article about augmented reality and how it is really used in the
classroom. In relation with the
standard, we were exploring reality in a classroom and how to use digital
resources to enhance students learning experiences.
The article expressed how augmented reality gives students a
visual of what they are actually learning.
It’s a method that demands their attention and interaction. Augmented reality apps could be useful in the
classroom to engage students and stir their curiosity. From reading this article and reflecting on
it, I learned that children need activities that stimulate their imagination
and curiosity. When students become
curious about the world, they begin to enjoy learning. Using augmented reality in the classroom
could be very beneficial for enhancing children’s learning experiences. In addition to reading the article, we were
asked to find some augmented reality apps.
Acrossair was one app I found that lets you see digital information of
what is happening around you. This could
be a great tool in the classroom used similar to a field trip. There were no problems encountered when
reading this article, reflecting on it, or finding augmented reality apps.
Our Voki assignment can be aligned with standard 2. A., which
states that teachers design or adapt relevant learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and
creativity. This activity involved us
creating an animated video, which would be theoretically posted on our class
website. The video included learning
experiences that incorporated technology and also creativity. This activity meets the standard because it
promotes student learning in a creative and fun way.
From this assignment I not only learned how to create a Voki
and navigate the website, but also that there are so many different online
tools that can be used in the classroom to make learning more interesting and
fun for children. Students could use
this video in the classroom for group projects, where they have to present a
historical figure. This could be a fun
tool for them to design their character and then could include a brief summary
of this individual. Then, they could
share them with the class. This would
promote learning for all individuals. When
doing this assignment I did not encounter any difficulties. However, it does only allow a limited amount
of text, which could be a concern when children use this tool. The website itself was very self-explanatory. Children would not have a difficult time
creating their own Voki; yet they made need help uploading it or saving it to
the computer.
The web 2.0 sites also relates to standard 2.A., which states
that teachers design or adapt relevant experiences that incorporate digital
tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. For this assignment we were given two digital
resources that we were supposed to visit and learn how to navigate. Then, we presented both of them to the class
and gave some examples of how we could integrate into the classroom. This assignment relates to the standard 2.A.
because we had to use our experiences with the sites to show how we could teach
children, while also promoting creativity.
The two sites I had were bubbl.us and lino.com. Bubbl.us was a website to create bubble
maps. It was much more basic than Inspiration,
which could be useful for young children.
This could help teach children how to brainstorm and organize their
thoughts before writing a paper. The
second site I had was a corkboard, which could also be used for organizational
purposes. It allowed you to create
sticky notes and dates of when things were due, as well as, upload videos,
documents, and pictures. This could be a
useful tool for teachers, but also a creative way for students to present a
project. Instead of PowerPoint, students
could use this website to create a presentation. From doing this assignment I learned about
several websites and resources that I could integrate into my future classroom.
The website creation relates to standards 4. A. and 4. C. The
first states that teachers advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical
use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright,
intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. The second standard this assignment aligns
with says that teachers promote and model digital etiquette and responsible
social interactions relates to the use of technology and information. Because I created my website on
cyberbullying, it relates to teaching online safety in the first standard and
promoting social interactions in the second standard. The website was directed towards young
children and also parents of these children.
On the actual website was information about being respectful and responsible
when on the web. Anything you say online
can always be traced, which is why it is so important to think before you
By creating this website I learned how to design and model
information on the web that appeals to both children and adults. Also, I learned that the simplest decision of
what font you choose can affect your audience.
I chose a fun font in hopes that children would be more likely to read
it and be engaged. I could use this
website that I created to inform students about cyberbullying, and how to avoid
it. There are videos and pictures on the
site to help draw viewers’ attention. I
also think that you could get students to create their own website and share
with the class. When doing this activity
I did not encounter any problems.
However, it was one of the more difficult projects to navigate and
figure out, which might be an issue for children to use.
The last and final assignment was the Movie Maker, which
aligns with standard 3. C. This standard
states that teachers communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to
students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and
formats. For this assignment we were
asked to tell a story with pictures, captions, and music using the program Movie
Maker. Just as the standard states, we
communicated our ideas using a variety of media, such as pictures and music.
By doing this assignment I learned how to use visual media to
tell a story. This was a creative way to
share an important event or moment in your life. It was a great way to get to know other
classmates. I think that students would really enjoy doing a project similar to
this. If you were to use this tool with
younger kids, you could have them tell a story with “First, Next, and Last.” In
high school I actually used a program very similar to this for my “I am”
project, and I really enjoyed doing it. I think that Movie Maker was easy to navigate;
however it did quit responding for me when I was more than half way
through. The only way to solve this problem
was to shut the computer down and restart.
I am not sure if this had anything to do with the program itself or just
an issue with the computer. But after
the first time, I had no trouble again with it.
Overall, I have found this class
very effective in engaging me professionally.
It brought to my attention several issues and concerns occurring with
education, and encouraged me to develop my own opinion on various topics. I also learned countless tools that I can
use in my future classroom to enhance children’s learning experiences. From
this course I learned how to create and keep up with a blog, and also how to
create and manage a website. These are
two things I have never done before and am glad I got the opportunity to
partake in. Along with the technological
resources, I also learned that as a teacher you should always be flexible with
your planning. This class was more laid back
than the rest of my classes this semester, which made it less stressful on the
students. If a student had a particular
topic they wanted to discuss it was welcomed.
I can remember several classes where class discussion was the primary goal
of the day. I found this flexible
schedule very effective and beneficial to our learning. If we had trouble with a certain topic, then
we would spend more time on that area and less time on something else.
One of my strong points included me
reflecting and posting on my Blog weekly.
I enjoyed reading the articles and reflecting on how I could use the
information in my future classroom. A
weak point of mine was walking and talking.
I found it difficult to use the IPad, walk around the room, and be
talking at the same time. However, I
know this is something that will become easier as I get more practice. This is
going to take experience in the classroom and presenting to individuals.
Technology is growing and changing
every day; and as a future educator, it is crucial that I stay informed about
changes and advances in technology. I
can integrate technology in my classroom by involving children in safe research,
and also by using technology to teach lessons.
This could include a smart board or an IPad. Before this class I have never used a smart
board, and now this is one thing I will definitely be excited to use and
incorporate into the classroom. There
were several digital tools and resources that I can also use to integrate technology
into math, reading, science, art, and language.
Before this class I have never really
had any experience with Blogs. I think
that Blogs are a great tool in education for both the students and
teachers. I think that a teacher could
easily create a blog for students to read and follow throughout the year. Just as we did in class, the teacher could
upload videos, maps, pictures, and articles for the students to read and
comment on.
As a whole, this class was a success. I was engaged and pushed to explore and
understand more about technology. I am
excited to use all of these new interesting tools in my future classroom one