Monday, November 18, 2013

Educause Sprint 2013, 22

This article discusses a transformation that is occurring in education. Diana Oblinger says, "We think we are moving from the information age to the connected age." She says this because of the recent MOOC's that are becoming the primary means of education. MOOC stands for massive open online course. Chris Dede argues that MOOC's is massive broadcasting to massive amounts of people. I found this article very interesting, yet frightening. As a future educator, this article scares you to believe that teachers will no longer be needed one day soon. With the continuous rise in technology students are connected globally to individuals, can view lectures online on their mobile devices, and are able to interact with tutors. MOOC's are beginning to take away vital instruction support. The human part of education is getting totally washed out. Peer and social support are lacking in students, and become less and less valued as the value of technology rises.

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