1. Facebook, Twitter, and Skype are three social networks that are used to form connections and relationships online.
2. There are several different consequences students are facing because of what they are posting on Facebook or any social network. Consequences of death, expulsion, suspension, and arrest have been present. There is controversy over where to draw the line between freedom of speech and also what the school's role should be.
3. Sexting is sending or receiving images, messages, or videos that portray sexual content or desires. (Teach Thought Staff, (2013). The Definition of Sexting)
Cramming is studying a massive amount of information in a short period of time. (Note, Kent, (2009). Cramming and Test Performance: An Investigation into the Efficacy of a Common College Practice. The University of Minnesota Undergraduate Journal of Psychology.)
Cookies are pieces of information that are sent to your computer from websites that allows them to obtain certain information from the user. (2013. Cookies Policy. Institutional Investor Journals.)
Trojan Horse is a malicious program that causes the most serious threat to security on your computer. It is usually disguised, yet it can and will erase your memory on the computer, send out your passwords, or credit card numbers. (Lo, Joseph. (2012). Trojan Horse Attacks, Internet Relay Chat.)
Phishing is an online theft that includes the stealing of passwords credit card information. (Kirda, Engin. (2005). Protecting Users Against Phishing Attacks, Oxford University Press)
Spyware is a monitoring program that records the usage of the computer. (Stafford, Thomas (2004). Spyware: the Ghost in the Machine, Communications of the Association for Information Systems.)
Rootkit is a type of software that is used to retrieve information and gain control over the computer. (Vlad, Marius. (2011). Rootkits and Malicious Code Injections. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems.)
Zombie is a computer network that is being hacked, and most owners do not know. (Smith, Josh. (2013). New Partnership Aims to Combat Zombie Computer Networks, National Journal.)
4. The screen names: Trashmouth, iHaveOnePairPants, BoogerDude, and Pig all portray a negative message. They are all very unprofessional and are asking for negative attention.
5. Certain screen names can encourage others to treat students badly. The screen names here can also come across as someone seeking attention or a relationship. These screen names can lead to students getting taken advantage of.
6. The screen name Tom_Evans34 reveals his first and last name, as well as the individual's age. Missy-13 also gives too much information, such as her first name and maybe her age. AndyKarateKid reveals his first name and also his love for karate. ViolinGurl tells others that she loves to play the violin. Restlinmatch reveals his love for wrestling.
7. Majority of the screen name choices given are bad choices because they give out too much information. Alot of them give either a name, birth year, or are likely to attract negative users. Some decent choices may be Soccerstar, Puppygirl1234, or SimplyMe because they do not give away too much information, and they simply reveal the interests of the individual.
8. squid3, EducationTTT, ecal6
9. Passwords can be easily cracked, if they are not unique. It is important when creating a password to add numbers, symbols, and capitalization to keep a password original. I scored a 6 after answering the questions about how secure my password is.
10. The most common reason students' online accounts are broken to each year is most likely because they give their password out to friends, who then decide to use it or give it to others. The least likely reason is because other students see the password as the student enters it on a keyboard.
11. After watching the video, I came to realize the importance of anti-virus software. It is very easy for a computer to be infected, even if viewing a familiar website. Websites can commonly send dangerous infections to your computer without the user even knowing. This is why it is important to keep up with anti-virus software and updates.
To lessen the chances of your computer getting infected you can and should follows a few key steps. Keep up with patches, harden your web browser, block dangerous file types at your firebox, and use anti-virus and anti-spyware software are things that can be done in defense for virus or malicious codes. The video showed me just how easy it is to get infected websites. I find that keeping up with anti-virus software is the easiest way to protect your computer from any viruses or infections. Also from the video they showed some signs that may mean your computer is infected. First, if your computer as any unusual apps or icons on the main screen. Secondly, if the background of computer has changed on its own; or a different web homepage. By staying informed and keeping up with your computers software updates you can help prevent infection and malicious codes.
12. The first quiz I took was called, "Are you protecting your identity?" The results of this quiz showed I was about average as far as protecting my identity. I was a medium risk level. The second quiz I took was called,"Is your computer protected?" After this one, I found that I was more at risk than average. The third and last quiz I took was called, "Are you safe from financial fraud?" This quiz showed that I was at a low risk.
13. I chose to read and summarize the article SPAM: DELIVERING MALWARE AND ADVERTISING DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT GOODS. The article addressed the issues with spam and how you could best deal with spam email. The first thing to do is to report the email, and make sure to never respond to emails that ask for personal information. Secondly, never purchase products from spam emails. Lastly, do not click on any of the provided links given in a spam email. These links can contain malware and will take control of your computer.
Cyber criminals have used spam emails as a means to make money and infect computers for a long time. Now, spam emails are being sent that look or appear trusted, but in actuality they are not. Mobile phones and devices are also commonly being used to send text messages or harvest information from the contact list. Emails such as these, aim to retrieve personal or financial information that can interact badly with your computer system.
The article addressed the new coming problems with spam.
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